Week 1 - Part 2 - 1.1. (d): Views from expert learning, development practitioners, consultants and coaches

Value of practice-based learning

Example 1: Change workshops (MF)

Using practice-based learning in change leadership.

Participants come with a real change situation they're facing, think about that change situation throughout a series of activities, and then report out to each other the results of that reflection, that group work.

Example 2: Translating theory into practice. (EL)

Giving the learners the opportunity to actually experiment with what they've actually learned in a safe environment.

Exposure to receiving feedback from your peers, and also from, for example, your managers or other colleagues.

Distinctions between practice-based and                  experiential learning

Example A: Transfer of learning (MF)

What you're focusing on the most isn't transfer of learning.

Based on experiences rather than a lot of theory and some reflection. Because you want the participant to experience what they would really do back in the workplace in the session.

Example B: Kolb (EL)

Having a concrete experience, and then having that experience, and then reflecting on that experience, and then evaluating the experience.

In reality the cycle doesn't necessarily happen in sequence.

Example C: Learning through doing (TH)

Rather deliver a presentation skills session …… sit on a presentation - which they're doing and - provide feedback to them afterwards, and then sit in on another presentation-- say, in a month's time-- and see how they've progressed

Example D: Different: meanings and interpretations. (LH)

Be clear exactly what we're asking our students or our participants to do – when working with experiential learning.

But equally, you could be asking them to think about what's happening in the here and now, as more practice-based approach to learning.

Example E: Design / creation of programmes. (JH)

Using your experience is really, really key and also that of your participants. 

Video Participants: Mariano Tufro (MF), Erica Levy (EL), Tim Haggett (TH), DR. Leah Tomkins (LH), Jeremy Howell (JH)

Ref.: Video 1.1 - Transcript - Reflection and practice-based learning